THAT'S RIGHT i'm making a new music video for JUMPFORCE X with fomonglo. (follow his new account)
(the game is fake!!! it's not a real game and it isn't coming out any time soon!)
i made a music video with my friend fomonglo (FOLLOW FOMONGLO NOW) from december 2020 and after 5 months of unnecessary hard work, it's successfully released and is on my NG PAGE: honestly it shouldn't have taken 5 months to work on, mostly because of online school and other stuff in general.
JUMPFORCE X is a (fake!) racing story driven platforming game, based off a drawing with mutuals i made in december 2020. in january, i released (fake) DLC for JFX which i'll probably make several music videos for. this is now an announcement for the second music video coming in a few months perhaps.
once again it's a fake video game, i know it sounds really really weird but it's a cool concept i've been thinking about